


Many people make mid video plans and begin to learn how to improve playback, how to make videos, and so on. However, before actually operating any project, it is most important to learn to avoid pitfalls. Below, we will explain what mid video plans are and what pitfalls to avoid.


First, what is the Chinese video plan


The Chinese video program is an activity jointly launched by a certain piece, melon, and sound to encourage creators to continuously create high-quality works. The difference between short videos and short videos is that the duration of the video should be greater than one minute, and no more than one minute should be included. The video produced must be greater than one minute, and no more than one minute should be stuck in it.



Second, how to open the Chinese video plan


After listening to some lessons, many young friends quickly registered on the headlines. After rummaging, they found that their account couldn't be registered at all. In fact, it's very simple. It's really difficult to register now, but if you register through a computer client created by Watermelon, it's still very simple.


"Headlines and watermelons actually share a common account, so once watermelons have registered, they will be opened by default. This is a registered account. The official requirement for opening the China Video Program is to publish three original works, with a combined playback volume of more than 17, 000, before they can apply for the China Video Program. After reaching this threshold, they can apply in the watermelons background and be opened the next day.".



The third, medium video pit avoidance guide


1. "Directly publishing works synchronously on three platforms, although it is said that there will be three benefits when publishing works simultaneously, everyone who has done so knows that the main benefits of medium video are eating watermelon and headlines. The benefits of a certain sound are actually not very large, and a few yuan or even 50 cents per million plays. However, if the same works are placed on the headlines, there can be four, fifty, one hundred, two, and three for ten thousand plays.".


"The amount of playback of works synced to a certain sound is very low, because as long as there are promotional widgets for videos, they will be defaulted to marketing videos by the system algorithm. Therefore, in the early registration stage, it is important not to try to save time. Instead, the three platforms will be released separately. After the account is labeled, the recommended traffic will be large. At this time, you can choose to sync again and there will be no problem.".


2. When publishing a video, it is important to have a horizontal screen. We all know that a certain sound is actually a vertical version, while watermelons and headlines are horizontal screens. However, if you plan to operate as a medium video, you must publish a horizontal screen. When the watermelons are released, you can sync to a certain sound, and then play the horizontal version of the video on a certain sound. A full screen play button will appear, allowing users to play the phone horizontally.


3. The content should be moderate, and vulgar scenes should be avoided in the screen, regardless of whether the video is posted through mixed cutting or your own original creation. It is important to pay attention to the clothing, including hanging a picture on the shooting background. The clothing of the picture should also be careful not to be too revealing.


4. Benefit: The benefit of a certain sound is relatively low, with only about 2-8 times played per 10000 times. However, watermelon can reach tens of thousands of times played per 10000 times, or even hundreds of times played per 10000 times. However, a certain sound wins over a large volume, and the playback volume will be higher than that of watermelon. Therefore, the focus is on watermelon in the early stage, and the focus is on a certain sound in the later stage.


5. In the early stage of thinking transformation, the focus was on watermelon, but many people still use a certain sound of thinking to do it. A certain sound is an immersive browsing mode, while headlines and watermelons are information flow modes, which is simply on headlines and watermelons,


The first thing users see is the title and cover of the work. Only users who are interested in the cover can calculate the playback volume after clicking in. The five second playback rate is not so important, but rather focuses more on the click rate of the title and cover of the work.


Cover: Just capture the most exciting moments in the work and add a few bold headlines.


Title: Whether it can arouse the curiosity and interest of the audience in the first place is the core factor determining whether a work can be clicked and opened by users.


How can a title capture the audience's attention and allow your work to gain more playback? Starting with a title formula, the first paragraph first explains the theme, the second paragraph explains the relationship, creating conflicts, and the third paragraph is to enlarge and guide the click, which is a three-paragraph title writing method, namely, theme+slot+suspense,


For example, "Heavy videos have exploded by 6 million players overnight, but bloggers are not happy for reasons that people can't believe." The first sentence is about medium videos, and the second sentence is about slot points, which arouse curiosity and throw out the suspense. The reason is that people can't believe what the reason is. This is the great suspense. The three-paragraph title makes people more eager to go in and watch.

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